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March 2016 Challenge

I am a part of many Facebook groups / forums / pages that help to inspire and give ideas for fellow painters. One group I joined called "Inspiration to paint" set up by the fabulous Abby Ascencio was to get people to try and paint a design EVERY day for the month of March.

I had lost my mojo slightly during Jan - Feb as I was super quiet these months (which I actually enjoyed the break and time with the family tbh) and didn't get my brushes out very often so getting back into the swing of things seemed daunting to me. However this group helped me to make sure I made time EVERY day to do a design either big, small, simple of complex, it didn't long as you painted a design for that day!

Well it was a struggle some days as I really couldn't be arsed to get my paints out or think of anything to paint. Some days I reeeealllly just wanted to veg out infornt of the TV and watch chick programmes whilst the hubby was at work or play lego Avengers on the Xbox but...I didn't, I got those paints out and painted something!

Seeing the designs go up on the group every day made me want to post one and also the thought of not finishing actually filled me with guilt as I wanted to complete this show myself that I could do it, actually see this through from start to finish and to be fair - what a great way to freshen up my design board!

I can VERY happily say I managed to complete the challenge and here are some of my designs for March 2016!

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